〒813-8503 福岡市東区松香台2-3-1
住居・インテリア学科 諫見研究室内
FAX 092(673)5094(学科事務室)
Collaborator: Fairy Tale Writer Kimikimiyo
Full member of the Japan Children's Literature Association. Published debut work "Nyanta and the Moon" in 2020 through Bungeisha. Won the Grand Prize of the Japan New Drug Children's Literature Award in 2021 for "Forest Swing." Published "Pocky-chan Becomes an Older Brother" in the magazine "Children's Literature" in 2023. Presented "Happy Town's Woof-Woof" at the Itoshima International Art Festival in 2023 and at the solo exhibition at ACROS Fukuoka in 2024. Gave a lecture titled "When Stories Are Born" at the National Fairy Tale Association General Meeting in 2024. Organizer of Kimikimiyo's Fairy Tale Room.
Sculptor Taizen and fairy tale writer Kimikimiyo received a special award for their interior art piece Akari no Arika ”Edo” at the National Art Center, Tokyo International Open Call Exhibition. The work featured 20 different shapes composed of building blocks and LEDs, which were deformed (exaggerated, emphasized, simplified, and omitted) versions of traditional Edo patterns such as ”Ichimatsu” and ”Chidori” used in interior decoration. These shapes were enclosed in a cubic frame with a side length of 1 ken (1,820 mm). Over 6,000 building blocks are used as reflective and shielding materials, creating a unique lighting piece in Edo purple.